Participant Info

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Clinical research studies can be a great opportunity for people to receive medical services at no cost and to learn more about their medical condition. We also have opportunities available for healthy volunteers to participate in clinical trials. When you volunteer for medical research studies, in most cases, you are compensated for your time and travel commitments in the form of a payment. Contact us for more clinical trials participant information. Click below to find clinical trials participant information and our enrolling studies.

Dr speaking with participant in clinical trial in Miami

What's a Clinical Trial?

Clinical Trials participants

Why Participate?

Fibro scan in Miami, Florida

What is Fibroscan?

Non-invasive ultrasound test for NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) and fibrosis​

We utilize inhouse FibroScan® equipment as a tool to identify the best subjects to screen for NASH/NAFLD diagnostic accuracy, reducing the need for liver biopsies.