Halloween and Kidney Disease: Don’t Let Fear Take Over

As Halloween creeps around the corner, our thoughts naturally turn to witches, ghosts, and goblins. But for the millions of people living with kidney disease, their fears go beyond the spooky costumes and haunted houses. This Halloween, let’s shed some light on the real-life challenges of kidney disease and the importance of staying healthy. 1. …

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National kidney month

National Kidney Month

Did you know every day, your kidneys filter 200 liters of blood? Most people aren’t aware of how important our kidneys are. That’s in part why National Kidney Month began. Every March, health providers and educators immerse themselves into communities. Their focus is building paths to better kidney care. The Major Functions of the Kidneys …

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Are you familiar with the common causes of kidney disease?

5 Common Causes of Kidney Disease

Your kidneys are responsible for cleaning your blood, helping control blood pressure, making red blood cells, and more. When your kidneys are damaged, waste products and fluids can build up in your body. Various health conditions can affect the functions of the kidneys and may eventually lead to them failing if left untreated. Here are …

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